If you and your family are trying to stay warm in the winter by turning on the heater, you might be shocked by the increase cost of your electricity bill. In order to compensate for the changes in budget, you might want to consider cutting costs in other areas during the cold months to help you save money. If you’re looking for ways on how to save money in winter, here are some great tips to help get you started on saving money during the winter months.
Your electricity bill can be one of your greatest expenses during the winter months. Make sure you save a couple dollars by keeping your thermostat around the upper 70’s. Do an experiment and see how low you can keep your heater’s thermostat before you cannot take it anymore. You can also dress warmer around the house to help you keep your thermostat at a temperature that can save you money. Using dark, heavy curtains for the window will also keep the colder temperatures outside of your house. These small tips can help you see minimal raises in your electricity bill while keeping your family warm and your wallet happy.
Just as your mom told you a chicken noodle soup can help cure a cold, a vegetable soup can keep you from being cold. In preparation for long periods of cold weather, it may be wise to make foods like soups and stews that you can make in bulk and won’t spoil for a long time. Not only will it make your stomach happy, but will keep your body warm. More so, with vegetables being a cheaper item at grocery stores, it is a great way to get the most out of the dollar.
If you live in areas where it snows (sorry, Florida), winter is a great way to save money on having fun! The super cold winter weather causes lakes and rivers to freeze, which creates great winter activities like sledging and sleighing. You may be able to use things you have lying around the house, such as the top of your trash, which works great racing down a hill. The only things you may have to spend money on are simple necessary items such as warm clothes so you do not get hypothermia or frostbite. The cold weather provides a lot of great opportunities to have cheap fun, which the summer may sometimes lack. No matter how you are spending your winter months, DRB Capital and help you make it through the winter financially stress-free when you sell your structured settlement with us. Call one of our experienced account executives at 877-894-4541 for a free quote today!
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