If you have a structured settlement then you are aware of how frustrating it can be to receive the money that you are entitled to in small amounts. That's why receiving a structured settlement lump sum payment may be what you need!
When something happens that inspires you take legal action the process be long and drawn out. There is a lot of waiting and boring procedures. You wait in anticipation for some action to take place that is favorable to you and it all seems to take forever to happen. When you finally win and the moment of victory comes in the form of a promised cash amount, you are most likely about to wait even longer. Legal proceedings almost never pay out right away and then you will get your just reward in small amounts that take place over a long period of time.
Are you considering selling your structured settlement payments? If so, contact DRB Capital at 855-582-9975 to learn more on how we turn your future payments into a lump sum of cash!
What no one in the legal world seems to realize is that the bills don’t stop. If you are unable to work due to an accident or other unfortunate incident, you do not stop incurring bills. In fact you are most likely incurring extra medical bills on top of your usual living expenses and you may not have enough money in saving or any money put away at all. So while you are waiting to win those bills may go unpaid and then, even worse they may be turned over to collections agencies. So when you finally come out victorious, it may not seem that way at all when all those expenses and bills come pouring in like a surge of water.
One solution to your money problems may be to seek a lump sum of cash instead of waiting for payments over time.
Once you receive the money that is owed to you, you can sigh in relief and pay off whatever expenses that you have. More than likely you are desperately in need of mortgage or rent payments that you may be behind in. Perhaps you are in danger of eviction or losing your home. Everyone needs to have a place to live and you will feel better if your own domestic circumstances are secure. A substantial amount of money can help you to catch up on your payments and even get ahead for extra security.

If your structured settlement is due to a vehicle accident, you might be without a car at the present time. You may not realize how dependent that you are on your vehicle until you have to depend on others to get to work or appointments or even just the grocery store. Your sense of freedom can be jeopardized when you are no longer mobile. Now, you are doubly inconvenienced as you have to constantly make arrangements to get to the most mundane places. A lump sum of cash might make you more able to afford a new, reliable vehicle. If you have an annuity, you may be able to sell annuity payment installations you are currently receiving.
You may have been in accident that makes returning to work difficult or impossible. If you suddenly have to find a new career path, you may find yourself without the necessary skills to change industries. If you need to go back to school or go to school for training in order to get a job to support yourself the question of how to pay for it comes up. A cash lump sum can help get you started in a new career by funding your education. It may also mean a better education for your children if they need it. The possibilities are there if you need a cash lump sum now.
Your lump sum may be what you need to pay the medical expenses from an accident.
Every time that you go to the mailbox there may seem to be another bill. They all add up and then when you do not pay, the phone calls come in. They may call you to the point of becoming bothersome or they debt collectors may even call you while you are at work. Either way, you can get them to leave you alone with a lump sum that is substantial enough to make the payments you need. Or your lump sum may be what you need to finally retire and enjoy life. No matter what the circumstances, it is your money and you should have it when you need it. DRB Capital has your needs and interests as a priority, all you need to do is call annuity purchaser DRB Capital at 855-582-9975.
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